Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Infertility And Adoption

For many couples, adoption might be the only option to have a child. Sometimes people go many years trying to conceive only to find out there is some medical issue that is stopping them.

This could be due to either the man or the woman having reproductive problems. This can be devastating to couples that really want to have a child.

Luckily, adoption is a great alternative and is beneficial to two parties. The adoptive parents finally get the child they have always wanted and the child gets a great set of parents that will love and take care of them.

There are many different types of adoption that can be considered. Open adoption allows the biological parents and sometimes extended family members some level of contact.

Closed adoption keeps the biological parents secret so there is little chance of ever meeting them. There are also many different levels of open adoption.

Some open adoptions are sending pictures once in a while to a third party and some allow visitation. This is something to consider but you should do whatever makes you the most comfortable.

Adopting a child from overseas allows a child from a less fortunate country get a much better life but can have its difficulties.

If the child is of a different race than yours, there might be some confusion and a lot of explaining as the child gets older.

If you do find out you or your spouse is infertile, adoption remains one of the best options out there. If you know in your heart you would make a great parent, that is a gift that should definitely not go to waste.

1 comment:

AdoptAuthor said...

Infertility is a medical problem that needs to be addressed medically and also educationally to prevent all the many, many preventable causes such as delayed childbearing and STDS.

"Luckily, adoption is a great alternative and is beneficial to two parties."

Adoption involves more than two parties. It involves two FAMILIES and all their extended kin, and a new life; a human being with rights of his own.

Adoptions is NOT always beneficial for all of these people. Every adoption begins with a tragic loss - a separation of a family that has failed to find the resources it needs to remain together.

The only chidlren that are "out there" needing "rescuing" both domestically and internationally are odler children that no one wants. Children of color and siblings groups. Children with disabilities. These chidlren are ignored when people spend tens of thousands of dollars to fill a need of their own left by their inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term.

80% or more of children worldwide in orphanages ARE NOT ORPHANS have family who visit and hope to be reunited with them, as was the case with David Banda, adopted by Madonna.

Many other children wind up in orphanages because baby brokers steal or kidnap them. Child trafficking for adoption has become very lucrative and will continue to flourish as long as people continue to pay these types of fees.

Many countris such as Guatenala, China, Vietnam are trying despratlky to stop the exploiation of their poor and the commodification of their chidlren, calling international adoption cultural genocide.

You can chose to be part of the problem of part of the solution.

$40k could supply a village with a school! Taking one child does nothing to ameliorate the poverty of his family, his village or his nation.

Mirah Riben, board of directors Origins-USA.org and author of "The Stork Market: America's Multi-Billion Dollar Unregulated Adoption industry"